We're Ready For You, Mr. Libby

Libby, who was charged with five felonies, is putting the finishing touches on a new legal and public relations team. It will argue in court and in public that he is guilty of nothing more than having a foggy memory and a hectic schedule, according to people close to him.If Scooter's truly awful prose is any indication, he is now writing his own defense.
A senior White House adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic, said the Bush team believes it dodged a bullet when Fitzgerald charged only Libby on Friday and then pointedly said in his news conference that the indictment should not be read as a condemnation of the war or its run-up.Would anyone like to tell me what was so important about that little gem of information it was worth granting anonymous sourcing to?
A source familiar with the discussion between Rove and Fitzgerald said the Tuesday meeting was about a lot more than "just an e-mail from Levine." He would not elaborate.Translation: Okay, that Levine story we tried to float with human fax machine Spikey Isikoff was about as convincing as a Dick Cheney smile, let's try again.
Rove remains a focus of the CIA leak probe. He has told friends it is possible he still will be indicted for providing false statements to the grand jury.Cue the Bernard Herrmann music.
"Everyone thinks it is over for Karl and they are wrong," a source close to Rove said. The strategist's legal and political advisers "by no means think the part of the investigation concerning Karl is closed."
Cooper's attorney, Dick Sauber, said Fitzgerald certainly meant it when he told Luskin last week that Rove remains in legal jeopardy and under investigation.
I also tried to get more info about the sentence regarding Ari Fleischer that was pulled from the WaPo article yesterday. Didn't get very far, but someone from the WaPo did tell me that the story of what happened on Air Force Two that day, especially as it relates to the Vice President's role in TraitorGate, is only just now starting to be told. More definitely to come on that one.
And as long as you're still up, go read emptywheel's excellent post on the possibility of Ari as the Third Man. The perfect late night snack.
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