What's Wrong With This Picture?

The effort to slap a coat of whitewash on Ol' Judy and truss her up as First Amendment Heroine is on:
New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who spent 85 days in jail for refusing to reveal her source to federal prosecutors investigating who leaked the name of an undercover CIA agent, will pick up a First Amendment Award at the 2005 Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Convention & National Journalism Conference on Oct. 18 in Las Vegas.Well that's just swell. Bruce Sanford, partner in crime of that old war wagon Victoria Toerag (who has been on the Smear Patrick Fitzgerald tour this week) will carry water for the benefit of Ms. Miller. How lovely.
According to a press release for the event, Miller will speak to participants and then join a panel discussion titled "The Reporter's Privilege Under Siege." Joining Miller on the panel are Associated Press reporter Josef Hebert, Patricia Hurtado of Newsday, and Bruce Sanford of Baker and Hostetler law firm.
Why, one has to wonder, isn't the award being given to Matt Cooper, who has acted all along like a paragon of integrity that all others should be measured by in this very difficult situation? (I'm still waiting for the straight poop from Pumpkinhead, and word has it we will all be treated to a delightful fiction from Judy herself tomorrow in the pages of the NYT if they can get them off the presses before they burst into flames.)
For those who have no interest in being served a plate of bad banquet food with Judy's self-serving stories, you can hear Matt Cooper's take on it all today on the Abrams Report on MSNBC.
OT, Johnny Wendell will be for Randi Rhodes on Air America LA from 3-7pm PT, and you can listen to me on Air America Phoenix from this morning with Charles Goyette here.
Should be an interesting day tomorrow with Turd Blossom on the hot seat, no?
Update: I guess Judy has better things to do than sweat over her impending story. Per reader Stephen J., Judy will also make a special appearance this weekend at an event at Cal State Fullerton by the First Amendment Coalition honoring Mark Felt. From the press release:
Miller, who went to jail to honor a pledge of confidentiality to her sources, will present a special award Saturday honoring Mark Felt (aka "Deep Throat"), the ultimate confidential source.I will unfortunately be otherwise engaged, but if anyone goes, please do email and dish. You can find more about this revolting mockery of the First Amendment here.
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