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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ACTION ALERT - Sinclair Broadcasting At It Again

The group Media Matters is launching another broadside attack against Sinclair Broadcasting, those lovely people who almost brought you the anti-Kerry film Stolen Honor right before the presidential election. Rather than wait two years for another election to roll around, a coalition which includes Moveon, Alternet and Robert Greenwalt (among others) is encouraging people to write Sinclair advertizers and let them know they feel Sinclair is abusing the publilc trust they are entrusted to uphold with regard to their 62 stations under FCC guidelines. They hope to pressure Sinclair into a dialog that includes other political voices than the right wing ones they continually and exclusively thump:

"Religion, particularly Christianity, has been under attack by the left for several years." (11/18/04)

"[The Angry Left] ridicule what red-staters see as moral values and in their arrogant and superior way, the Angry Left substitute their own topics they claim to represent real moral values: unjust war, tax relief and indifference to the environment." (11/23/04)

"Mainstream America will not vote for a [Democratic] party run by Hollywood liberals, greedy trial lawyers and clueless academia." (11/15/04)may not know this, but your advertising supports a television news broadcast that claims:

"Religion, particularly Christianity, has been under attack by the left for several years." (11/18/04)

"[The Angry Left] ridicule what red-staters see as moral values and in their arrogant and superior way, the Angry Left substitute their own topics they claim to represent real moral values: unjust war, tax relief and indifference to the environment." (11/23/04)

"Mainstream America will not vote for a [Democratic] party run by Hollywood liberals, greedy trial lawyers and clueless academia." (11/15/04)

You can visit the Sinclair Action site here, which provides links to advertisers, addresses and a sample letter. Please take a minute to visit the site and send a few emails. Grass roots support drove Sinclair stock into the tank over Stolen Honor, as stockholders freaked over potential revenue loss when advertizers pulled out. It can work again. It's also a powerful demonstration of the strength of the grassroots movement that is growing within the Democratic party, a potent antidote to the "mandate mentality" that the wingnuts are trumpeting so loudly.
