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Saturday, April 09, 2005

More From the Reality Front

Still in North Carolina, not a lot of time to check in to the blog but I've seen some amazing films -- The Life of Kevin Carter (of the Bang Bang Club), a documentary about people who have been freed from prison by Barry Scheck's Project Innocence called After Innocence (nobody should be able to vote on capital punishment until they see it and while we're on the topic fuck the entire state of Florida who officially believe it's more important to have "finality to the system" than it is to free an innocent man -- and I'm not kidding, that was their argument), Barbara Kopple's Bearing Witness, a documentary about women war journalists (who also happened to be next door to me in the hotel and were screaming drunk until three in the morning on Friday night, but that's another story).

My allergies are killing me but Durham is beatiful & it's fun to hang out with MTV Melinda. Off to watch Martin Scorcese hold court and see the Air America Documentary, Left of the Dial.

More later.
