According to London's Daily Mirror,
Billy Sol Huroc George Bush once discussed blowing up the headquarters of Arabic-language TV
al-Jazeera real good with Tony Blair. The White House calls the charge "outlandish," despite the fact that the US actually
did bomb Al-Jazeera's Baghdad office in April 2003, killing journalist
Tareq Ayyoub. At the time, State Department spokesmen said it was a "mistake," and called upon al-Jazeera "not to jump to conclusions."
We know it pales next to big news like Oprah
ending her 14 year feud with Letterman or Bob Novak trying to rewrite the Battle of Carville by
punching a fellow passenger on a flight to Chicago. But all we want to know is -- does this mean Eason Jordan
gets his job back?
(hat tip to
John Amato for the Eason Jordan reminder)
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