Happy Holidays From Poodle Beach

Well it has been a rip-snorter of a Festivus morning. We tore outselves away from the all-Robert Goulet Christmas carol radio show and went for our morning walk on Poodle Beach, and everyone has henceforth been celebrating their gift bonanza which included a rubber chew toy filled with liver snaps, a book on the watercolors of John Singer Sargent, a stuffed bone, a history of the Roman gladiators, some dried organic herbed chicken strips and a Firedoglake coffee mug. The dogs are currently sleeping off a pig's ear and crab claw high.
The newsmakers have been remarkably quiet -- hello, anyone heard the words "news dump?" Who knew we would miss our daily dose of spin so much? If this keeps up we're going to have to start a "free Robert Luskin" campaign.
Katie (pictured above -- yes, she's the one who barfed in my shoe when Rita Cosby started talking about porn) is the heart of the family, and she hopes everyone has a deligtful Brumalia as we celebrate this the birthday of Sol Invictus. Well actually she's a Buddhist being a Bodhisattva and all but she's been reading that gladiator book and got a bit carried away.
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