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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

FDL Late Nite: Hello, Verizon!

Sorry for the image, which has absolutely nothing to do with the post at hand, or the fucking up of Fred Barnes' book, which I might add I played no part in. I just couldn't resist.

No, tonight we send love letters on behalf of Chris Matthews. To show how much we appreciate when Chris claimed on his show tonight that poor Tom Delay is being unfairly tarred by those nasty Democrats in an unscrupulous ad about Casino Jack, and Anne Kornblut of the NYT actually used the term "Swift Boated." Yes I know the ironies abound.

Anyway, one of Chris's advertisers is Verizon. A lovely company I'm sure who have done absolutely nothing wrong and should be treated with the greatest respect. So great is our respect for Verizon that we have to wonder, ever so nicely, if they agree with Chris that you or me (people of the liberal persuasion) should be compared to a known terrorist and mass murderer like Osama bin Laden. Chris has now repeated this several times.

I'm sure the folks at Verizon will only appreciate your sincere concern for the organizations they are associating their products with, so look at it this way. You are doing them a big favor. Not in a Victor Davis Hanson climbing up on the rooftop with a rifle and scope and thinning out the neighborhood kind of way, but one they will most assuredly appreciate nonetheless.

Here is how you contact the fine folks at Verizon:
- Ivan Seidenberg, Chmn & CEO, Verizon Corp. Branding

- Judy Verses, Sr. VP Natl. Mktg.

- Jerri DeVard, Sr. VP Mktg.

- John Bonomo, PR

- Sharon Cohen-Hagar, PR
Please join us tomorrow night when we shower all the love we feel for the IRS on those helpful folks at TurboTax..

(graphic via Jesus' General)
