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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Clooney Incident

John Amato and I were there with Arianna on the night in question when she spoke to George Clooney about blogging, and the conversation went down as she describes it today. Clooney went on a very funny rant about Bill O'Reilly and seemed to be quite interested in blogging, and Arianna said she'd hook him up.

I don't know if Clooney got spooked because Fox News went after him or if he just doesn't know that his office bungled the communique but I've seen the email exchanges and Arianna's absolutely right on this one. It was obvious she was clearing a blog post for Clooney on both the HuffPo and Yahoo, and Clooney's PR person explicitly gave the okay.

When George Clooney stands up and says he's a liberal it's the liberal blogosphere who gets his back. These Hollywood PR games played on his behalf do not serve him well with a community that has wholeheartedly supported him.

(photo by me)
