The Tin Political Ear of Evan Bayh

Meet our newest Lemming. BushCo. is on the ropes, but Evan Bayh offers them a helping hand:
But the first thing Democrats need to do, Bayh said, is take Republicans on in an area they've dominated: national security.How exaclty does Bayh plan to be the big national security badass? By changing the law so that the President's illegal actions are made legal? Wow you are one tough hombre, Evan.
"It's a threshold issue for us, and it's a threshold issue for America," Bayh said. "People aren't going to trust us with anything else if we first can't convince them to trust us with their lives."
Before he spoke, Bayh told reporters that he does not support efforts by Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., another potential 2008 presidential candidate, to censure Bush for authorizing domestic eavesdropping. Bayh said it's not clear whether the law requiring court approval before surveillance was broken, and he instead favors revisiting and possibly updating the law.
I wouldn't trust you to guard my potted fern.
Evan BayhI never want to hear "Evan Bayh" for anything, ever again. Not President, not Vice President, not dog catcher. Ever.
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