The Blogging Imperative

Over at PsoTD, they are wondering: When the day comes that your blog is done and you stop updating it, what would you like to think it accomplished? What is your blog's mission?
I think about that a lot, especially when come home late at night and I'm completely intimidated by my blog and I realize I have to come up with something to write. But on a practical level, I know I'll sleep better at night if I did due diligence to what was being done in my name and with my tax dollars that day, and I felt that I had done what I could to oppose the political insanity that seems to be dominating the US at the moment.
But I look back on when I was younger and I think "who was that person?" I've changed so much and I wish I had some record of what I was going through at the time. Hell, I look at my blog from a couple of months ago and I can't remember writing some stuff. (It is, if nothing else, the most consistent diary I have ever kept). I think I will be a nice record to have of what I cared about at the time -- if they don't throw me in a gulag for it first.
How about you?
(photo courtesy stock.xchng)
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