Smokin' the Good Shit

And what did our counterparts on the right have to say about the Preznit's speech tonight?
Cap'n Ed:
8:00 -- I wonder what color tie he'll be wearing? I'll be watching this on Fox ...Glen Reynolds:
Bush went out of his way to take responsibility for the war. He repeatedly talked about "my decision to invade Iraq," even though, of course, it was also Congress's decision. He made very clear that, ultimately, this was his war, and the decisions were his. Why did he do that? Because he thinks we're winning, and he wants credit.K-Lo:
THE PRESIDENT TONIGHT [Kathryn Jean Lopez]You thought just I made all that up, didn't you?
Many of the e-mails I'm getting tonight go something like this one:Turn your vibrator off before you post next time.
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